Windale Primary School - Curriculum Statement
Windale is a nurturing, inclusive and purposeful environment, where all members of the school community inspire, imagine, believe and achieve.
Aim high - be the best you can be!
Curriculum intent
At Windale, our curriculum develops the skills and knowledge needed for children to become successful learners, help prepare them for life in modern Britain and empower them to achieve success in the future. The main driving force behind how we design and deliver our curriculum, is our aim to challenge, excite and inspire our children to become successful and confident learners and achieve their best.
Our curriculum is progressive, consistent and challenging. The structure is clearly sequenced and all pupils have access to the full content of the curriculum for each year group. With our mastery approach, we aim to enable all children to recall and apply what they have learnt at another point in the future rather than just at the time they first meet an idea or technique.
Windale provides many opportunities and experiences for our children that enables them to make connections with local and world current affairs. Our vision is to engage with parents and carers to create a learning community, built upon the British and School’s values.
Curriculum Implementation
Our curriculum is in line with the National Curriculum; it comprises all learning experiences-including enrichment activities, which are planned to meet the needs and interests of our pupils, providing education with character that helps them to find the best in themselves.
Every teacher plans to meet the needs of their class. The delivery of the learning is based on a clear and consistent structure which focuses on recall and retrieval for retention as well as a greater focus on the teaching of new vocabulary and cultural literacy. The design of the structure of each lesson is aligned with the 10 Rosenshine’s Principles of Instruction. Teachers create knowledge organisers (a set of key facts or information that pupils need to know and be able to recall in order to master a unit or topic) and make them available at the start of a half term. This way, we help our pupils remember what they are learning and see the bigger learning journey in their subjects. Instead of forgetting previous learning, pupils continually revisit and retrieve prior learning from their memories. At Windale, we are mindful of teacher workload and use supporting schemes of work for curriculum planning:
Supporting Scheme
School Subject Lead
White Rose
Bridie Allen
ULT Curriculum
Sue Armstrong
ULT Curriculum
Ruth Austin
REAL PE and PE Planning
Briony Bastin
ULT Curriculum
Jessica Davies
ULT Curriculum
Victoria Collier
Discovery RE
Lucy Beer
Rising Stars Scheme (Switched on Computing)
Jessica Davies
Language Angels
Lucy Beer
ULT Curriculum
Katie Whiteley
Design and Technology
ULT Curriculum
Emilia Gryszko
Jigsaw PHSE and Zones of Regulation
Bridie Allen
Lindsay Watson
Curriculum Impact
By the end of Year 6, all children, including those with SEND, will be able to know and remember more. The majority of the children will be able to reach age related expectations and some will reach greater depth. The curriculum prepares the children for the next stage in learning.
The impact of our curriculum is measured by monitoring:
- Attendance data (school and trips/residentials).
- Attainment data.
- Progress measures KS1 - KS2.
- Pira and Puma standardised tests (Reading and Maths)
- Progress and attainment outcomes for all pupil groups.
- Engagement in enrichment activities.
- Book looks to inform leaders with regards to progression within units and year groups, sequencing, content, subject specific lessons.
- Pupil Voice.
- Behaviour analysis.